Megan and Mia Minute

Megan & Mia Minute

It’s a Saturday morning and I wake up to the smell of bacon. yummy…..Then, I realize, IT’S MY BIRTHDAY! I can’t wait! My mom and dad have been talking about this day! I have a big surprise waiting for me! I wonder what it is. I jump out of bed and run to the kitchen. I go through breakfast thinking,  ”what is the surprise.” I go through the rest of the morning thinking the same thing. At noon, all of my friends start arriving. We all have fun and eat lunch. I’m still thinking,” what is the surprise?” Pretty soon my mom says, ’’Time to open gifts!” Ooh, I can’t wait. My head starts spinning. When I open the first gift, I say, ”Is this the surprise?” and my mom and dad say “No!” I open the gifts asking the same thing and my mom and dad say,” No!”

After I open the last gift I think, “Is there even a surprise?” But a few seconds later, everyone says,”

Close your eyes, Megan!” It’s finally here! Suddenly I hear the doorbell ring. I can’t contain my excitement! Finally, everyone says,” Open your eyes, Megan!” I see a puppy! A PUPPY! I ask my mom and dad, “Can we name her Flower?” My mom and dad say, “No!” Then I ask my brother, Madhu, “What do you want to name her?” and he says, ”Meatball.” I say, “NO!!! That’s a ridiculous name!!!!” Then, my mom says,’’ Let’s name her Mia.’’ I say,’’ Mia….. Why didn’t I think of that before? That’s perfect!” I say .’’This is the one for me!’’ I hug her and love her and everyone crowds around her until she starts whining. Then I tell everyone to scoot back and also say, ”she doesn’t like to be in the middle of a big crowd.’’ and then everyone finally backs up. I hold her and say, ’’It’s ok Mia, you’re going to be alright.” The rest of the day went on smoothly, but people wanted to hold my baby girl.


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